Management point is the important component of Configuration Manager. If MP is not working, clients won’t be able to receive the policy and SCCM won’t be able process it at server end. Hence, it is important to check management point health. In this blog we will cover few ways to verify the health of SCCM’s Management Point.

  1. Check following 2 web Url’s are accessible:
    If you get any error browsing above mentioned url, then there is a problem with MP.

Weburl with mplist will show list of all MP’s for primary site. If there are more than 1 MP, then we will be able to multiple groups of <MP FQDN>

MPHealth 01

Weburl with mpcert will show MP certificate info

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  1. Check mpcontrol.log

The location of the logs would be <ConfigurationManagerInstallDirectory\logs>.
You will be seeing status code 200, which means MP is healthy. This Status code is generated every 5 mins to check the MP health

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  1. Verifying System Site Status
    Open “Configuration Manager Console”, navigate to \Monitoring\Overview\System Status\Site Status and select “Management Point” from list of “Site System Role”. If the status is showing OK and green tick icon, it means MP is healthy.
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MP Status can be further be verified in detail by right click the “Management Point” and selecting “show messages \ all”

MPHealth 05

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